Monday, March 8, 2021

Week 6 Blogging task

 Let’s let the world know more about ourselves, now we have got our blogs up and going.  Remember what we have talked about being cyber safe . Creating lists can be really interesting – look at this one from Andy Griffiths about his dad.

I want you to create a list about yourself that has interesting facts about yourself. Look at how Andy has made his list interesting – his choice of phrasing and words. Try and write 10 things about yourself in this way, but if you can’t get 10, don’t worry. I also want you to add media to your post to make it visually interesting. Here is my list:

Ten things you should know about Miss Taylor

  1. Is absolutely terrified of birds - I hate when they fly at me or are in my house

2. HATES pumpkin but LOVE pumpkin soup!

3. Can juggle 3 balls.

4. Sucked my thumb until I was 11.

5. Got so sunburnt on my shoulders once that it blistered - Mum had to cut my tshirt off me.

6. Have played touch for Otago when I was in Year 7 and 8.

7. Grandma and I are the only girls in our family for 4 generations.

8. Love dogs even though I used to hate dogs so much - I wouldn’t even leave the house some days if I could see a day.

9. Has to go back inside everytime I leave my house to check the oven and the elements are turned off.


10. Hate watching TV or movies - I have to be in the mood and it has to be my choice of show or movie.

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