Monday, April 27, 2020

Week 6 Blogging Challenge

Week 6 of the Student Blogging Challenge looks at school around the world.

Week Six Tasks

This week you can choose from a list of 8 ideas to create a post about school. Or you can come up with your own idea!
For example, you’re welcome to tell everyone how you’ve switched to remote learning if this is something you’re currently doing. 

Check out the blogging website for more prompts and information for the 8 ideas.  Tell the world how awesome OIS is...

How do you comment on other people's blogs from the World Blogging Challenge?


Monday, April 20, 2020

Week 5 Blogging Challenge

Please check and reply to comments that you have received.

Awesome to see Lesieli from New Zealand as a feature for this week where she did a drawing challenge and linked to a YouTube tutorial.  Well done Lesieli!

Week 5 of the STUBC is about Earth Day and the environment

Step One: Choose your topic

What are you interested in? Is there a topic you’re passionate about? Or maybe there’s a topic you’re not very familiar with and you’d like to find out more about?
Select one of the environmental topics in the diagram above or choose your own.

Step Two: Find resources

You might need to do a little bit of research to write your post.
👉🏽 Remember: You cannot copy and paste text off another website and use it as your own. Write information in your own words and link to the site you got the information from.
👉🏽 These instructions show how you add a link if your blog is on Edublogs/CampusPress.
Here are some sites you can check out to learn about your topic:
  • Earth Day Website: This part of the Earth Day website has some basic information to get started.
  • The Sustainable Development Global Goals: Some of these relate to environmental issues and there is lots of information available on The World’s Largest Lesson site.
  • Kids Go Global: There is some information about certain environmental issues.
Find any other good sites? Please leave comment and let us know!

Step Three: What could you include in your post?

Your post could include:
  • Information about Earth Day 2020. Tell readers that it is on April 22 and what it’s all about.
  • An explanation of your chosen environmental issue.
  • Why this is an issue that you’re interested in. Did you hear about it on the news? Is it a problem in your local community? Is it something you haven’t heard of but wanted to learn more about?
  • Some facts about your issue.
  • Tips on how people can help (for example, if your topic is plastic pollution, you might give tips about using cloth shopping bags and avoiding disposable food wrappers).
👉🏽 Don’t forget that a picture always makes a blog post better too! Don’t remember where you can get pictures from? Go back to Week Three. 

Step Four: Connect with others when you’ve published your post

As always, an important part of the challenge is to connect with others. You never know what you might learn or who you could connect with!
When you’ve finished your post, choose a couple of blogs to visit and leave a quality comment.
Remember to ask a question and check back to see if they replied to you (most platforms have a box to tick so you can get an email when there is a follow-up comment).
You will find the link to the week 5 participants’ posts on the sidebar of this blog on Tuesday.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Term 2

Bitmoji Image

Welcome to Term 2 starting learning!!!

Here is Week 3 and Week 4 of the Blogging Challenge

🌏 Week 3 🌏

~ Please read through the website as there is a lot of information informing you about using images and copyright.~

Try this out...

🌏 Week 4 🌏

Week four of the Student Blogging Challenge allows you to catch up or write a free choice post.

I suggest for the Free choice post about Lockdown.  This could be the diary entry from the Google Slide.  Tell people what you have been up to, add videos and photos.  Remember to comment on others to get comments on yours.

Or some other ideas

Free Choice

sign saying go
What’s something that interests you? Write about it!
Stuck for ideas?
  • Do you feel like writing about your experience with the global pandemic? What is it like for you? Are you learning at home?
  • Check out these 100 blogging prompts for students. 
  • Here are 50 more blogging prompts for students. 
  • Do you like poetry? This post on The Edublogger has 15 ideas for fun poetry activities.
  • One of the teachers in our blogging community, Sheri Edwards, created a tutorial showing how to make a character out of Google Drawings. Why not make a character and blog about it?
  • Sheri has another great post about Sharing Hobbies. It might give you even more ideas about sharing and connecting.
If you write a free choice post this week, submit it in the Google Form at the bottom of this post.

Also, some of you want to add the visitor bar down the side...
Here is how...


Have a play around here.

FINALLY, remember to submit your blog post here in the Google Form.